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Tutorial - Automatic reporting


Estimated time: 30 minutes
Difficulty level: Beginner

  • Introduction

    Welcome to this tutorial on automatic reporting in VIKTOR with Python! As an engineer or data scientist, generating reports is an essential part of your work. Reporting not only helps you understand the insights from your data but also helps you communicate your findings/results to stakeholders. In this tutorial, we will explore how to automate the process of generating reports in VIKTOR with python. We will cover:

    1. Creating a basic report
    2. Adding a table with dynamic rows to the report
    3. Adding a table with dynamic columns to the report
    4. Including a figure in the report
    5. Downloading the report

    By the end of this tutorial, you will have created a simple VIKTOR application that makes an invoice. See gif below:

    What the app looks like once you've completed this tutorial


    You can find the complete code below.


    • You have some experience with reading Python code

    During the tutorial, we added some links to additional information; but don't let them distract you too much. Stay focused on completing the tutorial. After this, you will know everything you need to create an app which includes automatic reporting functionalities.

    1. Basic setup

    In this chapter, we will go through the process of generating a report automatically as fast as possible. In the following chapters, we will add more elements to the report. First, we will create a Word template and then fill this template with data from our app.

    At the beginning, you may feel that you are not making a lot of progress because we have to set the basis first, but we promise that we will end up adding stuff to your app and report at lighting speed ⚡

    Let’s get started!

    Create an empty app

    Let’s first create and start an empty app. If you don't remember how this worked you can check out the first few steps of the Create your first app tutorials. Make sure to give you app a recognisable name, like "reporting-tutorial".

    Here a short summary of the process:

    • Create an empty editor type app

      viktor-cli create-app reporting-tutorial --app-type editor
    • Navigate to the app directory

      cd reporting-tutorial
    • Install and start the app

      viktor-cli clean-start

    Create your Word template

    To make a report in this tutorial we will use a hypothetical example, we will create an invoice. Depending on your situation you may choose to format this more in terms of an engineering report or consultancy presentation.

    To start, we will have to make a Word template to fill with information later. We will keep it basic for now and only add the client’s name, company, and date.

    We will use tags enclosed by double curly braces like this {{company}} to place information in the Word template. The string inside the double curly braces is known as the identifier, and we use it to place the correct values in the right tags.

    1. Open an empty Word file and fill it similarly to the example below. Alternatively, you can download the pre-made template
    1. Now, save your template in a files folder. Navigate to your app directory (most likely located somewhere similar to C:\Users\<username>\viktor-apps\reporting-tutorial) and create the new folder there. Once you've created the new folder, save the template in it with the filename Template.docx. Your app folder should now look something like this:

      ├── files
      │ └── Template.docx
      ├── tests
      ├── requirements.txt
      └── viktor.config.toml

    App input fields

    The next step is to have some information to fill the template with. In this case, we will add 3 input fields to our app: client_name, company, and date. We will use a TextField and DateField for this.

    1. Open, and add the relevant fields to your parametrization. If you like you could accompany the fields with some instructive text. In the end your file should look like this:

      import viktor as vkt

      class Parametrization(vkt.Parametrization):
      intro = vkt.Text("# Invoice app 💰 \n This app makes an invoice based on your own Word template")

      client_name = vkt.TextField("Name of client")
      company = vkt.TextField("Company name")
      lb1 = vkt.LineBreak() # This is just to separate fields in the parametrization UI
      date = vkt.DateField("Date")

      class Controller(vkt.Controller):
      parametrization = Parametrization
    2. Refresh your app, and you should see the input fields there.

    Filling the template with data

    We will now fill the word template from the input fields.

    1. First, import Path from pathlib at the beginning of you file:

      from pathlib import Path
    2. Now create a method called generate_word_document in your controller class. The resulting controller class would look like below:

      class Controller(vkt.Controller):
      parametrization = Parametrization

      def generate_word_document(self, params):
      # Create emtpy components list to be filled later
      components = []

      # Fill components list with data
      components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("Client_name", params.client_name))
      components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("date", str( # Convert date to string format

      # Get path to template and render word file
      template_path = Path(__file__).parent / "files" / "Template.docx"
      with open(template_path, 'rb') as template:
      word_file = vkt.word.render_word_file(template, components)

      return word_file

    How this works

    1. List with information: Inside generate_word_document we made a list components with all the information we want to put in the report. The WordFileTag function has two arguments, the first argument is the identifier. This is used to find the location in the word template. The second argument is the value that needs to be placed at the location of the identifier in the template

    2. Open and render template: The last part opens the template and uses the function render_word_file to insert the information from the components list into the template. Finally, we need to return the filled template.

    Generate a PDF report

    Now that we have a filled template invoice, we can work on visualising it. In VIKTOR it is possible to show a pdf using the PDFView. Follow the next steps:

    1. Create a pdf_view method inside the controller class, after the generate_word_document method we just created.
    2. Generate the invoice using the generate_word_document method we built in the previous section.
    3. Convert word to pdf, with the convert_word_to_pdf function.
    4. Return a PDFResult.

    See code below for the resulting pdf_view method:


    class Controller(vkt.Controller):
    parametrization = Parametrization

    @vkt.PDFView("PDF viewer", duration_guess=5)
    def pdf_view(self, params, **kwargs):
    word_file = self.generate_word_document(params)

    with word_file.open_binary() as f1:
    pdf_file = vkt.convert_word_to_pdf(f1)

    return vkt.PDFResult(file=pdf_file)

    All code so far, just in case.

    Just in case something went wrong, here you can find all code together so far:

    Complete code

    import viktor as vkt
    from pathlib import Path

    class Parametrization(vkt.Parametrization):
    intro = vkt.Text("# Invoice app 💰 \n This app makes an invoice based on your own Word template")

    client_name = vkt.TextField("Name of client")
    company = vkt.TextField("Company name")
    lb1 = vkt.LineBreak() # This is just to separate fields in the parametrization UI
    date = vkt.DateField("Date")

    class Controller(vkt.Controller):
    parametrization = Parametrization

    def generate_word_document(self, params):
    # Create emtpy components list to be filled later
    components = []

    # Fill components list with data
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("Client_name", params.client_name))
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("date", str( # Convert date to string format

    # Get path to template and render word file
    template_path = Path(__file__).parent / "files" / "Template.docx"
    with open(template_path, 'rb') as template:
    word_file = vkt.word.render_word_file(template, components)

    return word_file

    @vkt.PDFView("PDF viewer", duration_guess=5)
    def pdf_view(self, params, **kwargs):
    word_file = generate_word_document(params)

    with word_file.open_binary() as f1:
    pdf_file = vkt.convert_word_to_pdf(f1)

    return vkt.PDFResult(file=pdf_file)

    Now that we have a basic functional version of our report, let's add some more complicated elements. In the next sections we are going to add:

    1. A table, with dynamic rows
    2. A table with dynamic columns
    3. A figure we're going to make ourselves

    Finally we'll also include functionality to download the report.

    2. Table with dynamic rows

    The simple steps to adding a table with dynamic rows into our invoice are:

    • Update the template
    • Add input fields for the table
    • Process the user input
    • Fill the template with the processed input

    Update the template

    The table has a variable amount of rows (dynamic rows), meaning that the number of rows will vary depending on the input. We will do this by writing a for loop inside our template. Follow the steps or just download the updated template

    1. Open your Word template and create a table with the appropriate column headings and layout.

    2. Add a row below and paste the following line of code in the first cell to start the for loop:

      {% tr for r in table1 %}
    3. Add another row and, in each column, add the following line of code, where var is the key name of the value (desc, qty, price, total):

    4. Insert a bottom row and add the following line of code to close the for loop:

      {% tr endfor %}
    5. Under this table, lets add the following line to show the total price:


    By following the steps, you added the table to the template, which should make it look like this:

    Add input fields

    For the table, we will add some input fields.

    1. In your Parametrization class, under the fields we added before, add:
       # Table
    table_price = vkt.Table("Products")
    table_price.qty = vkt.NumberField("Quantity", suffix="-", min=0)
    table_price.desc = vkt.TextField("Description", suffix="-")
    table_price.price = vkt.NumberField("Price", suffix="€", min=0)
    1. Refresh your app. You should see a nice table!

    Process user input

    In order to enter the table and the final total amount on the invoice, we will create two methods. One to calculate the total price and another to process the data in the table.

    Calculate the total price

    Inside your Controller class, under the PDFview we made in last section, create this method:

    def calc_total_price(params):
    # Get user entry from params
    product_table = params.table_price

    # Calculate total price from quantities and unit price
    quantities = [row["qty"] for row in product_table]
    prices = [row["price"] for row in product_table]
    total_price = 0
    for qty, price in zip(quantities, prices):
    total_price += qty * price

    return total_price

    This method takes the table and for every entered item in the table, it calculates the total price for that specific item and adds it to the overall total. Which is then returned by the method.

    Processing the table

    The user input currently in the table does not provide all information for the invoice we have set up in the template. For this table we will also require a total cost per product.

    Inside your Controller class, under the calc_total_price method we just made, create this method:

     def process_table(self, params):
    product_table = params.table_price
    for row in product_table:
    row["total"] = row["qty"] * row["price"]

    return product_table

    Fill template

    Remember that we created the method called generate_word_document to add the data to the word template? Well, now we will modify that method to add the table data.

    1. Just below the method definition, add these two lines like this:
        def generate_word_document(self, params):  #<--- this is just for your reference

    total_price = self.calc_total_price(params)
    table = self.process_table(params)
    1. Just a few lines under, in the part where we append the data to the components list, add:
         components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("total_price", str(total_price)))  # Convert price float to string
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("table1", table))
    1. Update your app, fill in the table and check this amazing table inside your invoice!

    If you get stuck, you can always try to have a quick peek at the complete code at the end of this tutorial

    3. Table with dynamic columns

    In the previous section, we added a table with a fixed column and a variable number of rows. This time we will turn things around and create a table with fixed rows and variable columns because this could apply better to your situation, and we want to show you both options. The steps are the same as before, so let’s jump into it.

    Update the template

    Open the template and add a second table to it that looks as follows and don't forget to save. Or just use the updated template

    You may notice that, this time, we are creating a for loop in each row that loops through the columns.

    Adjust the data processing

    For this second table we also have to calculate the percentage of the total costs every product constitutes. Therefore, we will adjust the process_table method we made earlier. It should now look like the following (notice we are employing the calc_total_price() method created earlier in the process as well):

     def process_table(self, params):
    total_price = self.calc_total_price(params)
    product_table = params.table_price
    for row in product_table:
    row["total"] = row["qty"] * row["price"]
    row["perc"] = str(round((row["total"] / total_price) * 100, 2)) + "%"

    return product_table

    Fill template

    For the sake of time, we will use the same input fields and calculation methods we made before.

    1. To add the data to the template, go to generate_word_document and add:

      components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("table2", table))
    2. Update your app and see the new table in the report. Wow, that went lightning fast!

    4. Adding a figure

    Now we will add a figure, and we will choose a pie chart because we are engineers and we love charts 😉

    Generating the figure

    To generate the figure you can use multiple different python libraries. In this tutorial we will not go into depth on this subject. The method below can take in the params as we created them earlier, create a pie-chart of the total division of products in the customer's order, and save that figure to a data object using the BytesIO package.

    1. At the end of you code, inside the Controller class add this code:

      def create_figure(params):
      product_table = params.table_price
      # Create figure
      fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 8))
      products = [row["desc"] for row in product_table]
      qty = [np.round(row["qty"], 2) for row in product_table]
      ax.pie(qty, labels=products, autopct="%1.1f%%")
      ax.set_title("Pie chart total sold products")
      png_data = BytesIO()
      fig.savefig(png_data, format='png')

      return png_data
    2. Don't forget the imports

      from io import BytesIO
      import numpy as np
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    Update the template

    Open your template and place the following tag at the location where you want to see the pie chart. This should complete the template. Again, you can also download the full template here:

    {{ figure_sales }}

    Insert Image in report

    An image can be inserted using the WordFileImage object which requires a binary file handle. The method create_figure stores a png image in the BytesIO object. This object can be directly placed in the Word document through the WordFileImage.

    1. You can paste the code below in the generate_word_document method underneath the tables and above the actual rendering of the Word file:

       # Place image
      figure = self.create_figure(params)
      word_file_figure = vkt.WordFileImage(figure, "figure_sales", width=500)
    2. Update your app, and you will see the chart.

    5. Download the Word report

    The last step is to add a download button, the download enables the user to download a file in any format. In this case we will use it to download the report in Word format, just in case you want to add something manually.


    The PDFView used in the previous chapter already allows the user to download the PDF file from the view directly. The case we're tackling with this download button is the one where the user would require the actual Word format.

    Create a download method

    The button we will make in the next step requires a file in the form of a DownloadResult, so first we will make a simple method.

    At the end of your Controller class add:

    def download_word_file(self, params, **kwargs):
    word_file = self.generate_word_document(params)

    return vkt.DownloadResult(word_file, "Invoice.docx")

    Add a download button.

    A DownloadButton is added to the parametrization to allow the user to download the file with a single click. This button requires a method argument. This method is the method we just added to the controller class.


    Pay attention to the way the method is added to the DownloadButton. This has to be in the format of a string so if the method (as in the example below) is called download_word_file then it should be added to the DownloadButton as method="download_word_file"

    At the end of your Parametrization class add the button:

       # Downloadbutton
    download_word_file = vkt.DownloadButton('Download report', method='download_word_file')

    6. All code together

    Complete code

    import viktor as vkt
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from io import BytesIO
    from pathlib import Path

    class Parametrization(vkt.Parametrization):
    intro = vkt.Text("# Invoice app 💰 \n This app makes an invoice based on your own Word template")

    client_name = vkt.TextField("Name of client")
    company = vkt.TextField("Company name")
    lb1 = vkt.LineBreak() # This is just to separate fields in the parametrization UI
    date = vkt.DateField("Date")

    # Table
    table_price = vkt.Table("Products")
    table_price.qty = vkt.NumberField("Quantity", suffix="-", min=0)
    table_price.desc = vkt.TextField("Description", suffix="-")
    table_price.price = vkt.NumberField("Price", suffix="€", min=0)

    # Downloadbutton
    download_word_file = vkt.DownloadButton('Download report', method='download_word_file')

    class Controller(vkt.Controller):
    parametrization = Parametrization

    def generate_word_document(self, params):

    total_price = self.calc_total_price(params)
    table = self.process_table(params)

    # Create emtpy components list to be filled later
    components = []

    # Fill components list with data
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("Client_name", params.client_name))
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("date", str( # Convert date to string format

    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("total_price", str(total_price))) # Convert price float to string
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("table1", table))
    components.append(vkt.word.WordFileTag("table2", table))

    # Place image
    figure = self.create_figure(params)
    word_file_figure = vkt.WordFileImage(figure, "figure_sales", width=500)

    # Get path to template and render word file
    template_path = Path(__file__).parent / "files" / "Template.docx"
    with open(template_path, 'rb') as template:
    word_file = vkt.word.render_word_file(template, components)

    return word_file

    @vkt.PDFView("PDF viewer", duration_guess=5)
    def pdf_view(self, params, **kwargs):
    word_file = self.generate_word_document(params)

    with word_file.open_binary() as f1:
    pdf_file = vkt.convert_word_to_pdf(f1)

    return vkt.PDFResult(file=pdf_file)

    def calc_total_price(params):
    # Get user entry from params
    product_table = params.table_price

    # Calculate total price from quantities and unit price
    quantities = [row["qty"] for row in product_table]
    prices = [row["price"] for row in product_table]
    total_price = 0
    for qty, price in zip(quantities, prices):
    total_price += qty * price

    return total_price

    def process_table(self, params):
    total_price = self.calc_total_price(params)
    product_table = params.table_price
    for row in product_table:
    row["total"] = row["qty"] * row["price"]
    row["perc"] = str(round((row["total"] / total_price) * 100, 2)) + "%"

    return product_table

    def create_figure(params):
    product_table = params.table_price
    # Create figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 8))
    products = [row["desc"] for row in product_table]
    qty = [np.round(row["qty"], 2) for row in product_table]
    ax.pie(qty, labels=products, autopct="%1.1f%%")
    ax.set_title("Pie chart total sold products")
    png_data = BytesIO()
    fig.savefig(png_data, format='png')

    return png_data

    def download_word_file(self, params, **kwargs):
    word_file = self.generate_word_document(params)

    return vkt.DownloadResult(word_file, "Invoice.docx")

    To infinity and beyond!

    Well done! You are now able to create an app that takes in user input and processes this automatically into a report which is shown as a PDFView and can be downloaded as a Word file!

    Of course, the journey doesn't end here. Check out some of our other tutorials or go to the Create apps where you can see the different options you have to create apps.