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User input, fields and buttons

The parametrization is built up by means of input fields that can be filled in and/or buttons that can be clicked by the user.

Input fields

Different types of input fields can be used, For each input field, arguments can be specified to set specific options and/or constraints such as the default, minimum, or maximum value. See Field for all possible options.

The following input fields are available:

Numeric input

Decimal number

Numbers with decimals can be specified using a NumberField


Slider is a visual variant of the NumberField


The IntegerField can contain integers only

Textual input

Short text

Short text can be specified in a TextField

Long text

Long text can be specified in a TextAreaField

Options & selections

Single option

A single option can be selected in an OptionField

Radio button

An OptionField can be visualized as a radio button

Radio button (horizontal)

An OptionField can also be visualized as a horizontal radio button


Filter options through typing using an AutocompleteField


Select multiple items from a list using a MultiSelectField

Entity selection

Select single child

Select a single child entity using a ChildEntityOptionField

Select children

Select from a list of child entities using a ChildEntityMultiSelectField

Select single sibling

Select a single sibling entity using a SiblingEntityOptionField

Select siblings

Select from a list of sibling entities using a SiblingEntityMultiSelectField

Select generic entity

Select a single generic entity using an EntityOptionField

Select generic entities

Select from a list of generic entities using an EntityMultiSelectField

Geometry selection

Select a geometry

Select a geometry in a Geometry or IFCView using a GeometrySelectField

Select multiple geometries

Select multiple geometries in a Geometry or IFCView using a GeometryMultiSelectField

Map features

Define a point

Define a geo-point on a MapView using a GeoPointField

Define a polyline

Define a geo-polyline on a MapView using a GeoPolylineField

Define a polygon

Define a geo-polygon on a MapView using a GeoPolygonField

File upload

Upload single file

Upload a single file using a FileField

Upload multiple files

Upload multiple files at once using a MultiFileField


New in v14.0.0

Select a color

Pick a color from a palette using a ColorField

Select a date

Pick a date on a calendar using a DateField

Toggle button

Switch on/off using a BooleanField

Store JSON data

Store hidden JSON data on a HiddenField

Line break

Style your editor by manually arrange fields using a LineBreak

Tables & arrays

If the user must be able to make a dynamic number of objects sharing the same properties, tables or arrays can be used.


Draw a table consisting of rows and columns using Table


Bundle fields in rows and let the user add rows using a DynamicArray

Action buttons

In addition to the input fields, action buttons can be added to the parametrization to enable user actions. The following table gives an overview of all action buttons:

Action without result

Perform an action without returning any result using an ActionButton

File download

Perform an action that returns a file download using a DownloadButton

Set params

Set params by means of a button click using a SetParamsButton

Optimization routine

Perform an optimization routine using an OptimizationButton

Read-only fields

The fields below can be used to guide users by providing more context, without the user being able to edit the values.

Show output

Show a (dynamic) value using an OutputField

Static text

Show a static text using Text

Static image

Show a static image using Image