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Starter guide

Great to see you are ready to learn how to use VIKTOR! Here you will learn the basics of creating VIKTOR apps in 6 easy steps:

  1. Set up developer account
  2. Your first 3D building
  3. Dive into data visualizations
  4. Explore our maps
  5. Automate your reporting
  6. Publish and share your app

Activate your account

In order to activate your account you can follow the steps in the environment. Note that there are two ways to complete the process:

  • Local installation using a virtual environment or Docker
  • Cloud-based installation using GitHub Codespaces

If you would like some extra guidance you can follow the installation instructions or watch the video below.

Not a reader? feel free to follow this tutorial as a video

A quick overview of VIKTOR apps

Before we start building, here are some fundamentals of VIKTOR apps. The image below shows the editor of a VIKTOR app:

An editor can be created by defining a controller. The controller holds the code for:

  • User input: You can add input fields, sliders, buttons and formatted text on the left side of the app. We call this part the Parametrization.

  • Results: At the right-hand side of an editor, you can show 3D models, maps, graphs, reports, pictures and much more. We call this a View.

  • Logic: Each time you change an input field, the app runs your Python code in the background and shows the results in the View. You can also integrate other software packages.