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IDEA StatiCa Concrete

Supported (tested) IDEA StatiCa versions:

  • v24
  • v23
  • v22
  • v21

An IDEA StatiCa Concrete binding has been developed by VIKTOR to simplify the process of creating a model, running an analysis (worker required) and parsing the results. VIKTOR's IDEA-RCS integration requires a specific IDEA worker which can be downloaded here.

Creating a model

A model can be created using the binding in two different ways:

  1. Model: create a model with the least effort. Limited set of features.
  2. OpenModel: resembles the API of IDEA StatiCa Concrete. Less intuitive than Model, but can be used if the latter lacks desired features.

Creating a model using Model

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create the 'empty' Model. Optionally ProjectData and/or CodeSettings can be specified (see this section)
  2. Create one or more materials for the cross section(s) using Model.create_concrete_material.
  3. Create one or more materials for the reinforcement(s) using Model.create_reinforcement_material.
  4. Create members to be checked using Model.create_beam (or similar methods, see below).
  5. Create reinforcement(s) using Beam.create_bar.
  6. Create extreme(s) with corresponding internal forces using Beam.create_extreme (or similar).
  7. Generate the input XML file using Model.generate_xml_input.
import viktor as vkt

model = vkt.idea_rcs.Model() # Initialize the model.

# Create the desired material(s).
cs_mat = model.create_concrete_material(vkt.idea_rcs.ConcreteMaterial.C12_15)
mat_reinf = model.create_reinforcement_material(vkt.idea_rcs.ReinforcementMaterial.B_400A)

# Create a beam (or other type of member) to be checked.
cross_section = vkt.idea_rcs.RectSection(0.5, 1.0)
beam = model.create_beam(cross_section, cs_mat)

# Create bars (and stirrups) as desired
bar_locations = [(-0.101, -0.175), (0.101, -0.175), (0.101, 0.175), (-0.101, 0.175)]
bar_diameters = [0.016, 0.016, 0.016, 0.016]

for coords, diameter in zip(bar_locations, bar_diameters):
beam.create_bar(coords, diameter, mat_reinf)

# Add extreme(s)
freq = vkt.idea_rcs.LoadingSLS(vkt.idea_rcs.ResultOfInternalForces(N=-100000, My=210000))
fund = vkt.idea_rcs.LoadingULS(vkt.idea_rcs.ResultOfInternalForces(N=-99999, My=200000))
beam.create_extreme(frequent=freq, fundamental=fund)

# Generate the input XML file.
input_file = model.generate_xml_input()

Model.generate_xml_input needs to be mocked within the context of (automated) testing.

Currently, Model supports the following member types:

Currently, Model supports the following section types:

Creating a model using OpenModel

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create the 'empty' OpenModel. Optionally ProjectData and/or CodeSettings can be specified (see this section)

  2. Create one or more materials for the cross section(s) using OpenModel.create_matconcrete_ec2.

  3. Create a concrete cross-section using one of:


    In case of a CrossSectionParameter, the **parameters argument should contain keys and values corresponding to the cross_section_type, else the input file will be invalid. For more information on what **parameters are required for a certain cross_section_type, please see create_cross_section_parameter

  4. Create one or more materials for the reinforcement(s) using OpenModel.create_matreinforcement_ec2.

  5. Create the reinforced cross section(s) using OpenModel.create_reinforced_cross_section.

  6. Create reinforcement(s) using ReinforcedCrossSection.create_bar.

  7. Create check member(s) using OpenModel.create_check_member1d.

  8. Couple the check member and reinforced cross section using OpenModel.add_check_section.

  9. Create extreme(s) with corresponding internal forces using CheckSection.create_extreme.

  10. Add additional data to the check member using OpenModel.add_member_data_ec2.


    The member_type and two_way_slab_type should correspond to the chosen reinforced cross section

  11. Generate the input XML file using OpenModel.generate_xml_input.

import viktor as vkt

model = vkt.idea_rcs.OpenModel() # Initialize the model.

# Create the concrete section.
mat = model.create_matconcrete_ec2(vkt.idea_rcs.ConcreteMaterial.C12_15)
cs = model.create_cross_section_parameter(
name='cs', cross_section_type=vkt.idea_rcs.CrossSectionType.RECT,
material=mat, Width=2.0, Height=2.0

# Create the reinforced cross section.
rcs = model.create_reinforced_cross_section(name='rcs', cross_section=cs)

# Create bars (and stirrups) as desired
mat_reinf = model.create_matreinforcement_ec2(vkt.idea_rcs.ReinforcementMaterial.B_400A)

bar_locations = [(-0.101, -0.175), (0.101, -0.175), (0.101, 0.175), (-0.101, 0.175)]
bar_diameters = [0.016, 0.016, 0.016, 0.016]

for coords, diameter in zip(bar_locations, bar_diameters):
rcs.create_bar(coords, diameter, mat_reinf)

# Create a CheckMember.
member = model.create_check_member1d()

# 'Assign' the CheckMember to a CheckSection with the previously defined reinforced section and add extremes.
check_section = model.add_check_section(description='S 1', check_member=member, reinf_section=rcs)
freq = vkt.idea_rcs.LoadingSLS(vkt.idea_rcs.ResultOfInternalForces(N=-100000, My=210000))
fund = vkt.idea_rcs.LoadingULS(vkt.idea_rcs.ResultOfInternalForces(N=-99999, My=200000))
check_section.create_extreme(frequent=freq, fundamental=fund)

# 'Assign' the necessary additional data to the CheckMember.
model.add_member_data_ec2(member, vkt.idea_rcs.MemberType.BEAM_SLAB, vkt.idea_rcs.TwoWaySlabType.SHELL_AS_PLATE)

# Generate the input XML file.
input_file = model.generate_xml_input()

OpenModel.generate_xml_input needs to be mocked within the context of (automated) testing.

ProjectData and CodeSettings

When a Model or OpenModel is initialized, optionally project data and/or code settings can be specified.

Currently, ProjectData supports:

  • Project name (>= v14.6.0)
  • Project number (>= v14.6.0)
  • Project description (>= v14.6.0)
  • Author (>= v14.6.0)
  • Date (>= v14.6.0)
  • National Annex (no annex, Dutch, Belgium)
  • Fatigue check
  • Design working life (>= v14.6.0)

Currently, CodeSettings supports:

Running an analysis

After having generated an input XML file, it can be fed to the IdeaRcsAnalysis:

import viktor as vkt

# Generate the input XML file from `Model` or `OpenModel`, or generate one yourself.
input_file = ...

# Run the analysis and obtain the output file.
analysis = vkt.idea_rcs.IdeaRcsAnalysis(input_file)
output_file = analysis.get_output_file()

Extracting results using RcsOutputFileParser

After running an analysis, the obtained output file can be fed to the RcsOutputFileParser for convenient extraction of the results:

import viktor as vkt

# Obtain the XML output file from `IdeaRcsAnalysis`, or obtain one yourself.
xml_file = idea_rcs_analysis.get_output_file(as_file=True)

# Obtain the results for specific or all section(s).
with xml_file.open_binary() as f:
parser = vkt.idea_rcs.RcsOutputFileParser(f)

# loop through all sections
for section in parser.section_results():
capacity_results = section.capacity()
shear_results = section.shear()

# or get results for a single section
section_4 = parser.section_result(4)

Currently, RcsOutputFileParser supports the following results (partially):

In case you require results which are not supported, you can retrieve the raw results using the OutputFileParser. We do not advice to use this when handling very large result files:

# Obtain the raw results as a dictionary
xml_file = idea_rcs_analysis.get_output_file(as_file=True)
parser = OutputFileParser(xml_file)
raw_results = parser.raw_results()


New in v13.5.0

mock_IdeaRcsAnalysis decorator for easier testing of IdeaRcsAnalysis

IdeaRcsAnalysis.execute needs to be mocked within the context of (automated) testing.

The viktor.testing module provides the mock_IdeaRcsAnalysis decorator that facilitate mocking of workers:

import unittest

from viktor import File
from viktor.testing import mock_IdeaRcsAnalysis

from app.my_entity_type.controller import MyEntityTypeController

class TestMyEntityTypeController(unittest.TestCase):

def test_idea_analysis(self):

For the decorator's input parameters the following holds:

  • If a Sequence type is provided, the next entry is returned for each corresponding method call. When a call is performed on a depleted iterable, an Exception is raised.
  • If a single object is provided, the object is returned each time the corresponding method is called (endlessly).
  • If None is provided (default), a default File/BytesIO object (with empty content) is returned each time the corresponding method is called (endlessly).