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Spreadsheet calculator


This guide is an informative piece to help you if you have questions about the Spreadsheet calculation functionality. If you would like a more instructive lesson, take a look at the Spreadsheet calculator tutorial we have available.


Services need to be mocked within the context of (automated) testing.

The SpreadsheetCalculation object can be used to utilize a spreadsheet without macros as an external calculator. If you want to use an Excel sheet with macros as a calculation tool, you can use VIKTOR's Excel integration.

Calculation sheet set-up

  1. Add two sheets inside the Excel calculation document named "viktor-input-sheet" and "viktor-output-sheet".


    Note that these names must match in order for VIKTOR to find the correct sheet!

  2. In the input and output sheets specify the following four columns:

    • A1 = Parameters,
    • B1 = Unit,
    • C1 = Comment,
    • D1 = Values
  3. In "viktor-input-sheet": add input identifiers in the "Parameters" column and optionally specify default values in the "Values" column

viktor-input-sheet example

  1. Link to these values as a source for the calculation in the calculation sheet
  2. In "viktor-output-sheet": add output identifiers in the "Parameters" column

viktor-output-sheet example

  1. In "viktor-output-sheet": point to the relevant cell(s) in the calculation sheet

calculation sheet example

Implementation in app

  1. Import SpreadsheetCalculation and SpreadsheetCalculationInput from the viktor.external package

  2. Evaluate the spreadsheet and obtain a SpreadsheetResult with a dictionary of the output_key parameters with corresponding values

    import viktor as vkt

    def calculation_result(a, b):
    input_list = [
    vkt.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetCalculationInput('input_key1', a),
    vkt.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetCalculationInput('input_key2', b)
    spreadsheet = vkt.File.from_path('calculation_sheet.xlsx')
    sheet = vkt.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetCalculation(spreadsheet, input_list)
    result = sheet.evaluate()
    return result.values

    calculation_values = calculation_result(3, 6)

Using lists as input or output

To pass a list of values as input for the calculation spreadsheet, one can pass a (e.g. semicolon) separated string ("value1;value2;value3;...") using SpreadsheetCalculationInput and write code logic in the spreadsheet to 'parse' and use the values.

It is also possible to store a range of cells to a list as output. Simply link the cells in the columns behind "Values" to the desired cells using an array formula.

output list example

In the example output_list1 and output_list2 will return the same range of results.


Currently a list can have a maximum of 47 values. A temporary workaround to make use of longer lists is by using a TEXTJOIN function in the calculation sheet. This function returns a joined string of the results separated by a user specified separator (e.g. ";"). In the client code, this list can then be converted back to a list of the results by using the split() function.