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Tables & arrays

Both a Table and a DynamicArray can be used if the user must be able to make a dynamic number of objects sharing the same properties. The similarities and differences between the two are discussed below.

Table (top) and DynamicArray (bottom)


For a more technical API reference, please see the following pages:


Set up a Table and add fields using the dot-notation as follows:

import viktor as vkt

class Parametrization(vkt.Parametrization):
table = vkt.Table('Table')
table.col_1 = vkt.TextField('TextField as table column')

Expand to see all available arguments

In alphabetical order:

  • default: a default value will be prefilled

    table = vkt.Table('Table', default=[{'col1': 'A', 'col2': 'B'}, {'col1': 'C', 'col2': 'D'}])
  • description: add a tooltip with additional information

    table = vkt.Table('Table', description="This input represents the ...")
  • name: defines the position of the parameter in the params

    table = vkt.Table('Table', name="t")  # obtained using params.t
  • visible: can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields

    table = vkt.Table('Table', visible=vkt.Lookup("another_field"))

    See 'Hide a field' for elaborate examples.

Let's assume a user has entered two rows of data in the table as shown in the figure below.

The data entered in the table is available as a list of dictionaries in your app code and can be accessed using params.table. The resulting data has the following format: [{"col_1": "entry1"}, {"col_1": "entry2"}].


Set up a DynamicArray and add fields using the dot-notation as follows:

import viktor as vkt

class Parametrization(vkt.Parametrization):
array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array')
array.col_1 = vkt.TextField('TextField as array field')

Expand to see all available arguments

In alphabetical order:

  • copylast: copy the last row when clicking the + button (takes precedence over field defaults)

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', copylast=True)
  • default: a default value will be prefilled

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', default=[{'col1': 'A', 'col2': 'B'}, {'col1': 'C', 'col2': 'D'}])
  • description: add a tooltip with additional information

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', description="This input represents the ...")
  • max: maximum number of rows in the array

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', max=30)
  • min: minimum number of rows in the array

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', min=3)
  • name: defines the position of the parameter in the params

    New in v14.18.0
    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', name="a")  # obtained using params.a
  • row_label: label to be shown at each row (max. 30 characters)

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', row_label="Item")
  • visible: can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields

    array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array', visible=vkt.Lookup("another_field"))

    See 'Hide a field' for elaborate examples.

Let's consider the same example as above, but now the user has entered the data in the array.

Again, the data entered in the table is available as a list of dictionaries in your app code and can be accessed using params.array. The resulting data has the following format: [{"col_1": "entry1"}, {"col_1": "entry2"}].

Differences Table vs. DynamicArray

In addition to visual difference, there are more practical differences between the input fields which may determine the best solution for your use-case. The following comparison can be made:

CompactLess compact
RectangularNot necessarily rectangular
Defaults when adding a new row is not supportedDefaults when adding a new row is supported
Options in OptionField cannot make use of a labelOptions in OptionField can make use of a label
Supports copy-paste of complete table contentSupports copy-paste per input field only
User can create rowsUser can create rows
User cannot create columnsUser cannot create fields, but may use dynamic visibility

Furthermore, not all regular fields can be used in both of these multi-row fields. The table below shows which fields are supported in the Table and DynamicArray

OutputField✅ (>= v14.20.0)
ColorField✅ (>= v14.0.0)

In the comparison, rectangular means that each row in the Table contains the same columns visually as well as in the parameter set. Rows in a DynamicArray on the other hand could contain different input fields, by hiding certain fields when, for example, the user triggers a toggle.

import viktor as vkt

class Parametrization(vkt.Parametrization):
field = vkt.TextField('This is an example field')

# table
table = vkt.Table('Table')
table.col_1 = vkt.TextField('TextField as table column')
table.col_2 = vkt.BooleanField('BooleanField')
table.col_3 = vkt.NumberField('NumberField') # visible not supported

# dynamic array
array = vkt.DynamicArray('Array')
array.col_1 = vkt.TextField('TextField as array field')
array.col_2 = vkt.BooleanField('BooleanField')
array.col_3 = vkt.NumberField('NumberField', visible=vkt.RowLookup('col_2'))

In this example, a DynamicArray row in which the toggle (col_2) is active will also show the NumberField (col_3). In a Table col_3 is always visible.

Visibility of columns/fields