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Get all Entities



Get all entities.


Path Parameters

    workspace_id stringrequired

Query Parameters

    properties boolean

    Whether or not to include

    clean_params boolean

    Whether or not to clean the params before returning.

    param_types boolean

    Whether or not to include entity.param_types.

    summary_types boolean

    Whether or not to include entity.summary_types.

    privileged boolean

    Whether or not the request should be done with elevated access.

    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Number of results to return per page.

    offset integer

    The initial index from which to return the results.

    entity_type string[]

    Possible values: non-empty

    Allows filtering on id (int) or class_name (string).

    sort string[]

    Possible values: non-empty

    Allowed values: name, updated_at, summary_updated_at and/or summary.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty

    search string

    Possible values: non-empty

    Allow for fuzzy name match.

    only_name boolean
    created_by integer[]

    Specify one or more user ids. This field is not allowed on public workspace entities endpoint.

    last_updated_by integer[]

    Specify one or more user ids. This field is not allowed on public workspace entities endpoint.

    created_at_min date-time

    Created after specified date (ISO format).

    created_at_max date-time

    Created before specified date (ISO format).

    updated_at_min date-time

    Updated after specified date (ISO format).

    updated_at_max date-time

    Updated before specified date (ISO format).

    id integer[]

    Filter on specific entity id.



    count integerrequired

    Count of all the objects in the result set.




  • Array [

  • id integer
    name string
    properties object
    summary_status string
    summary string
    summary_updated_at string
    summary_types string
    deleted string
    locked boolean
    locked_by object
    entity_type integerrequired
    entity_type_name string
    updated_at string
    parent_count integer
    actions string
    param_types string
    created_by integer
    created_at string
    last_updated_by integer
    path integer
    show_on_dashboard boolean
  • ]
