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List All Files



List all files in the scope. Files can have two different scopes, namely entity or session. When file is scoped under entity, it will be available under the file discovery modal of that specific entity. When file is scoped under session, it will only be available in the editor session lifetime and then destroyed.


Path Parameters

    workspace_id stringrequired

Query Parameters

    pagination_token string

    Pagination token indicating the next cursor position

    scope stringrequired

    Possible values: [entity, session]

    Scope of the file. Can be one of: entity, session.

    entity_id integer

    Filter by scoped entity id. It is only applicable in simple and tree app types.

    editor_session uuid

    Filter by scoped editor session. This field is required in editor-only app and not applicable in other types of apps.

    id integer[]

    FieldFile id. This field accepts multiple.

    file_type string[]

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 10 characters

    Type of the file which starts with dot(.). This field accepts multiple.

    file_size_max integer

    Maximum file size in bytes.(including)

    search string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 512 characters

    Search term of the filename including extension.



    count integer

    Count of all the objects in the result set.

    next_token string

    Token for the results of the next page, to be sent as pagination_token in the next request.




  • Array [

  • id integer
    scope stringrequired

    Possible values: [entity, session]

    Scope of the file. Can be one of: entity, session.

    entity_id integerrequired

    Id of entity which the file is bound.

    editor_session uuidrequired

    Editor session to be scoped under. This field should be provided on editor app type only.

    filename stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 512 characters

    Name of the file to be uploaded.

    file_size integerrequired

    Size of the file in bytes.

    created_at date-timerequired

    Creation date and time of the file.

    created_by integernullable

    ID of the user that created the file.

  • ]
