What's new - December
Welcome to the What's new page, here you will find all the latest updates. Stay tuned for more updates every month!
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Creating apps
Dedicated development workspace per app!
Each app now has its own development workspace, this allows you to work on multiple apps, simultaneoulsy!
Learn more
App Store updates!
We updated the App Store for a clean overview of what's available for users. From now on, regular users only see published apps, while maintainers have a 'My Apps' tab.
Faster app installations with uv!
We’ve significantly shortened the app installation process by switching to a faster package manager.
Learn more
Missed something?
If you missed an update you can check out the blog posts of previous months or the changelogs to try and find it.
All updates
Catch up on all the updates on the VIKTOR platform
Changelog SDK
Are you a developer? Checkout the latest and greatest features that have been added to the SDK.
Changelog CLI
Are you a developer or admin? Checkout the latest additions to the CLI