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VIKTOR documentation

VIKTOR is a platform for creating powerful and user-friendly web apps, all with pure Python! Create apps to automate your workflow, integrate with different software packages, and get better insights into your project through interactive visualizations.

"Automate the boring, engineer the awesome!" - VIKTOR

Are you new to VIKTOR? Then this is a good place to start.

Learn how to create apps and get an overview of all available features.

Explore the app gallery, download the code, and use it to create your apps.

Explore the docs!

  • Get started with VIKTOR by activating your account and creating your first app.

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  • Create apps is your go-to place when you are developing. It includes how-to guides, tutorials and examples, and it gives you an overview of all available features.

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  • Publish apps explains how you can share your developed applications with your colleagues.

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  • Manage apps is for admins and covers how to publish and manage apps, permissions, user-management, SSO, security, activity dashboard and others platform capabilities.

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API references

  • SDK reference gives you detailed information of all classes and functions that can be used to build your app.

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  • CLI reference provides an explanation of all available command-line interface (CLI) commands.

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  • Backend API can be used to extract or modify data from your environment, integrate apps into your own software and workflows or automate tasks.

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VIKTOR is not only a platform for quickly creating apps; we are also a community of enthusiastic and ambitious developers searching for new ways to engineer the awesome. Join our community and ask for support, share ideas and learn about the latest features.

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