What's next?
Congratulations, you have successfully installed VIKTOR and built your first app! Now you are ready to follow your own path. What is the next step? Well, that all depends on your interests.
Basic app structure - get familiar with the app files, and building blocks required to create a basic app.
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App code execution flow - learn how and when the VIKTOR platform triggers your application code, and the stateless behavior when running calculations.
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Do some concepts still raise questions for you? Don't worry, we advise you to check out the following pages:
Tutorials - ramp up your VIKTOR skill by following one of the instructive tutorials
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Guides - get an overview of all features in our documentation. Many input fields, results & visualization, layout options and more are available
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Explore all VIKTOR features and learn by following code examples:
Example apps - we have many example apps you can use as inspiration to create your own apps. Source code included!
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Gain inspiration by checking out example applications:
Happy coding! And remember... Automate the boring. Engineer the awesome!
VIKTOR is not only a platform for quickly creating apps; we are also a community of enthusiastic and ambitious developers searching for new ways to engineer the awesome. Join our community and ask for support, share ideas and learn about the latest features.
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