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Version: 14



class viktor.core.Color(r: int, g: int, b: int)

Bases: Color

Create an immutable instance of Color

  • r – red-value (0-255)

  • g – green-value (0-255)

  • b – blue-value (0-255)

static black()
Return type:


static blue()
Return type:


property deltares: int
static deltares_to_rgb(value)

Conversion from red-green-blue to Deltares-type color value.


value (int) – Integer representation of the color as used in the Deltares software series.

Return type:

Tuple[int, int, int]

classmethod from_deltares(value)

Color defined by Deltares-type integer.


value (int) – Integer representation of the color as used in the Deltares software series.

Return type:


classmethod from_hex(hex_value)

Color defined by hexadecimal code.

Return type:


static green()
Return type:


property hex: str

Hexadecimal representation of the color.

static hex_to_rgb(hex_value)

Conversion from hexadecimal to red-green-blue value

Return type:

Tuple[int, int, int]

static lime()
Return type:


static random()

Generate a random color.

Return type:


static red()
Return type:


property rgb: Tuple[int, int, int]
static rgb_to_deltares(r, g, b)

Conversion from Deltares-type color value to red-green-blue value.

:return Integer representation of the color as used in the Deltares software series.

Return type:


static rgb_to_hex(r, g, b, include_hashtag=True)

Conversion from red-green-blue to hexadecimal value

Return type:


static viktor_black()
Return type:


static viktor_blue()
Return type:


static viktor_yellow()
Return type:


static white()
Return type:



class viktor.core.Controller(**kwargs)

The main function of the ViktorController is to “control” the information flow between the frontend (what is inputted by a user) and the application code (what is returned as a result of the user input).

(new in v14.15.0) The ‘label’ attribute is now optional.

children: Optional[List[str]] = None

Optional list of child entity-types.

label: Optional[str] = None

Entity-type label.

parametrization: Optional[Parametrization] = None

viktor.parametrization.Parametrization that describes the entity-type.

show_children_as: Optional[str] = None

When children are defined, specify how they are shown in the interface (‘Table’ | ‘Cards’).

summary: Optional[Summary] = None

viktor.views.Summary of the entity-type.


class viktor.core.File(*, data=None, path=None, url=None, **kwargs)

Creates a File object. Only 1 of data, path or url should be set, or File() for writable file. Or use the corresponding class-methods.

A File object can have one of the following 4 types:

  • SourceType.DATA: File object with in-memory data as its source

    • Created with File.from_data(…)

    • writable: False

  • SourceType.PATH: File object with an existing file (path) as its source

    • Created with File.from_path(…)

    • writable: False

  • SourceType.URL: File object with a URL as its source

    • Created with File.from_url(…)

    • writable: False

  • SourceType.WRITABLE: File object with a (temporary) writable file on disk as its source

    • Created with File()

    • writable: True (writing always takes place at end of file)

Note: Reading from a File with SourceType.URL downloads (part of the) URL content to a (temporary) file on disk, so that re-reading (previously read) content within the same open-context does not require downloading twice. Opening the File object a second time DOES involve downloading the content anew. If such a File needs to be opened multiple times, consider copying the File locally (copy()), so that downloading takes place only once.

Example usage:

data_file = File.from_data("my content")
path_file = File.from_path(Path(__file__).parent / "my_file.txt")
url_file = File.from_url("https://...")
writable_file = File()

data_content = data_file.getvalue_binary()  # bytes (b"my content")
path_content = path_file.getvalue()  # str

with as r:  # open in text-mode, so read -> str
    first_character =  # downloads only partially
    all_other_characters =  # downloads the rest

with writable_file.open_binary() as w:  # open as binary-mode, so read/write -> bytes
    w.write(b"my content")

writable_content = writable_file.getvalue()  # "my content"
  • data (Union[str, bytes, None]) – in-memory data source (also from_data())

  • path (Union[str, bytes, PathLike, None]) – existing file path source (also from_path())

  • url (Optional[str]) – URL source (also from_url())

class SourceType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

DATA: SourceType = 1
PATH: SourceType = 2
URL: SourceType = 3
WRITABLE: SourceType = 4

Make a local copy of the file to disk.

Example usages:

URL-file that needs to be opened multiple times:

# copying to path-file prevents re-downloading if opening more than once.
path_file = url_file.copy()  # download the complete content locally

with as r:  # no downloading

with as r:  # no downloading

Make writable file from read-only file:

writable_file = read_only_file.copy(writable=True)

with as w:
    w.write("my content")

writable (bool) – True to return writable file, False for read-only (default: False).

Return type:



File object (SourceType.WRITABLE if writable = True, else SourceType.PATH).

classmethod from_data(data)

Create a File object with in-memory data as its source.

Return type:


classmethod from_path(path)

Create a File object with an existing file (path) as its source.

Return type:


classmethod from_url(url, *, headers=None)

Create a File object with a URL as its source.

Return type:



Read the content (text) of the file in memory. For large files, open the file and read in chunks, to prevent the app from running out of memory.

Return type:



Read the content (binary) of the file in memory. For large files, open the file and read in chunks, to prevent the app from running out of memory.

Return type:



Open the file in text-mode.


encoding (str) – encoding used for reading the bytes -> str (default: default local encoding)

Return type:



opened text file


Open the file in binary-mode.

Return type:



opened binary file

property source: str | None

Source of the File object:

  • SourceType.DATA -> None

  • SourceType.PATH -> path of (readable) file on disk

  • SourceType.URL -> url

  • SourceType.WRITABLE -> path of (writable) file on disk

property source_type: SourceType

Source type of the file.

property writable: bool

Whether the File is writable or not (only True for SourceType.WRITABLE).


class viktor.core.InitialEntity(entity_type_name, name, *, params=None, children=None, show_on_dashboard=None, use_as_start_page=None)

Construct an initial entity in the app.__init__py file.

from .settings_database.controller import Controller as SettingsDatabaseController
from .project_folder.controller import Controller as ProjectFolderController
from .project.controller import Controller as ProjectController

from viktor import InitialEntity

initial_entities = [
    InitialEntity('SettingsDatabase', name='Settings', params=...),
    InitialEntity('ProjectFolder', name='Projects', children=[
        InitialEntity('Project', 'Project X),
        InitialEntity('Project', 'Project Y),
  • entity_type_name (str) – Type of the initial entity.

  • name (str) – Name of the initial entity.

  • params (Union[dict, str]) – Optional params in dictionary format or path to a .json, relative to the Note that path traversal (beyond the root directory) is not permitted (e.g. “../../entity.json”).

  • children (List[InitialEntity]) – Optional child entities.

  • show_on_dashboard (bool) – Show/hide the entity on the dashboard. Only top-level entities can be shown (default: True)

    New in v13.7.0

  • use_as_start_page (bool) – Appoint the entity as the start page (instead of the dashboard). Only top-level entities can be appointed (default: False)

    New in v14.19.0


class viktor.core.ParamsFromFile(*, max_size=None, file_types=None)

Decorator that can be used on a pre-process method during a file upload, to produce the parameter set that is stored in the database.


Prevent storing the complete file content on the properties if the file is large, as this may cause speed and/or stability issues. The file content can be retrieved at all times using the API whenever necessary.

Example with nothing to store:

class Controller(ViktorController):

    def process_file(self, file: File, **kwargs):  # viktor.core.File
        return {}

Example with parameters to store:

class Controller(ViktorController):

    def process_file(self, file: File, **kwargs):  # viktor.core.File
        # app specific parsing logic
        file_content = file.getvalue()  # or use reading in chunks, for large files
        number_of_entries = ...
        project_name = ...

        # linking the parsed output to the parametrization fields (names in database)
        return {
            'tab': {
                'section': {
                    'number_of_entries': number_of_entries,
                    'project_name': project_name


Loading the content of a large file in memory (file.getvalue()) may cause the app to crash (out-of-memory). Read the file content in chunks to avoid such memory issues (see File).


viktor.testing.mock_ParamsFromFile() can be used to test methods decorated with ParamsFromFile.

  • max_size (int) – optional restriction on file size in bytes (e.g. 10_000_000 = 10 MB).

  • file_types (Sequence[str]) – optional restriction on file type(s) (e.g. [‘.png’, ‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’]). Note that the extensions are filtered regardless of capitalization.


class viktor.core.Storage

Starting point to communicate with the storage to, for example, set or retrieve analysis results.

The following actions are supported:

storage = Storage()

# Setting data on a key
storage.set('data_key_1', data=File.from_data('abc'), scope='entity')
storage.set('data_key_2', data=File.from_data('def'), scope='entity')

# Retrieve the data by key
storage.get('data_key_1', scope='entity')

# List available data keys (by prefix)
storage.list(scope='entity')                      # lists all files in current entity scope
storage.list(prefix='data_key_', scope='entity')  # lists 'data_key_1', 'data_key_2', ... etc.

# Delete data by key
storage.delete('data_key_1', scope='entity')

For each of these methods, a scope can be defined to point to a specific section in the storage. These scopes ensure efficient arrangement and handling of data. The following scopes can be used:

  • entity : when data needs to be accessed within a specific entity

  • workspace : when data needs to be accessed workspace-wide

delete(key, *, scope, entity=None)

Delete a key-value pair for the specified scope.

  • key (str) – Unique key from which the key-value pair should be deleted.

  • scope (str) – Applicable scope, ‘entity’ | ‘workspace’.

  • entity (Entity) – Applicable entity, used in combination with scope==’entity’ (default: current entity).


FileNotFoundError – When trying to delete a file that does not exist in the defined storage scope.

Return type:


get(key, *, scope, entity=None)

Retrieve data from a key for the specified scope.

  • key (str) – Unique key from which the data should be retrieved.

  • scope (str) – Applicable scope, ‘entity’ | ‘workspace’.

  • entity (Entity) – Applicable entity, used in combination with scope==’entity’ (default: current entity).


FileNotFoundError – When trying to retrieve a file that does not exist in the defined storage scope.

Return type:


list(*, prefix=None, scope, entity=None)

List all available key-value pairs for the specified scope.

  • prefix (str) – List all data of which the keys start with the provided prefix. Using a prefix potentially results in much higher performance due to a more efficient lookup in case of many stored files.

  • scope (str) – Applicable scope, ‘entity’ | ‘workspace’.

  • entity (Entity) – Applicable entity, used in combination with scope==’entity’ (default: current entity).

Return type:

Dict[str, File]

set(key, data, *, scope, entity=None)

Set data on a key for the specified scope.

  • key (str) – Unique key on which the data is set (max. 64 characters).

  • data (File) – Data to be stored.

  • scope (str) – Applicable scope, ‘entity’ | ‘workspace’.

  • entity (Entity) – Applicable entity, used in combination with scope==’entity’ (default: current entity).

Return type:



class viktor.core.UserMessage

New in v14.0.0

A non-breaking message that is shown to the user in the web-interface.

Example usage:

UserMessage.warning("Show this warning")"Show this info")
UserMessage.success("Analysis successfully finished!")
classmethod info(message)

Show an info message to the user.

Return type:


classmethod success(message)

Show a success message to the user.

Return type:


classmethod warning(message)

Show a warning message to the user.

Return type:




alias of Controller



The python built-in json dump does not support all the desired types. This function converts those, thereby enabling broader json conversion. :rtype: Any

  • numpy number types -> equivalent python builtin

  • datetime.datetime and -> isoformat str

  • tuple -> list (otherwise sub elements cannot be converted due to tuple immutability)


viktor.core.progress_message(message, percentage=None)

Send a user facing progress message informing the progress of an evaluation. Messages are truncated to 500 characters

  • message (str) – Message shown to the user

  • percentage (float) – Value between 0 and 100 quantifying the progress

Return type:
