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Version: 13



class viktor.parametrization.Interaction(view, selection=None)

Bases: ABC

  • view (str) – method name of the view to be interacted with.

  • selection (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – only features/objects within selected interaction groups can be interacted with. Interaction groups can be created on the view result (e.g. MapResult) using ‘interaction_groups’. None, to enable interaction with all features/objects with ‘identifier’ assigned, ignoring interaction groups (default: None).


class viktor.parametrization.MapSelectInteraction(view, *, selection=None, min_select=1, max_select=None)

Bases: Interaction

New in v13.2.0

Interaction for the selection of feature(s) in a map view.

See Interaction for parameters.

Additional parameters:

  • min_select (int) – minimum number of features a user must select (>=1).

  • max_select (Optional[int]) – maximum number of features a user may select. None for no limit (default: None).


button = ActionButton(..., interaction=MapSelectInteraction('my_map_view', selection=['points']))


class viktor.parametrization.DownloadButton(ui_name, method, longpoll=False, *, visible=True, always_available=False, flex=None, description=None, interaction=None)

Bases: _ActionButton

Action button which can be pressed to download a result to a file.

Example usage:

# in parametrization:
download_btn = DownloadButton("Download file", "get_download_result", longpoll=True)

# in controller:
def get_download_result(self, params, **kwargs):
    return DownloadResult(file_content='file_content', file_name='some_file.txt')
  • ui_name (str) – Name which is visible in the VIKTOR user interface.

  • method (str) – Name of the download method that is defined in the controller

  • longpoll (bool) – Set this option to True if the process that is invoked by the action button cannot be completed within the timeout limit.

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, DynamicArrayConstraint, RowLookup, Callable]) – Visibility of the button. A Constraint can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields.

  • always_available (bool) – Set this to True if the action button has to remain available for users that do not have permission to make any changes in the editor. This gives such users the ability to for example still download product reports.

  • flex (Optional[int]) – The width of the field can be altered via this argument. value between 0 and 100 (default=33).

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).

  • interaction (Optional[Interaction]) – Enable view interaction through this button

    New in v13.2.0


class viktor.parametrization.ActionButton(ui_name, method, longpoll=True, *, visible=True, always_available=False, flex=None, description=None, interaction=None)

Bases: _ActionButton

Action button which can be pressed to perform a (heavy) calculation without returning a result.

Example usage:

# in parametrization:
calculation_btn = ActionButton("Analysis", "calculation", longpoll=True)

# in controller:
def calculation(self, params, **kwargs):
    # perform calculation, no return necessary
  • ui_name (str) – Name which is visible in the VIKTOR user interface.

  • method (str) – Name of the download method that is defined in the controller

  • longpoll (bool) – Set this option to True if the process that is invoked by the action button cannot be completed within the timeout limit.

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, DynamicArrayConstraint, RowLookup, Callable]) – Visibility of the button. A Constraint can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields.

  • always_available (bool) – Set this to True if the action button has to remain available for users that do not have permission to make any changes in the editor. This gives such users the ability to for example still download product reports.

  • flex (Optional[int]) – The width of the field can be altered via this argument. value between 0 and 100 (default=33).

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).

  • interaction (Optional[Interaction]) – Enable view interaction through this button

    New in v13.2.0



alias of ActionButton


class viktor.parametrization.OptimizationButton(ui_name, method, longpoll=True, *, visible=True, always_available=False, flex=None, description=None, interaction=None)

Bases: _ActionButton

Action button which can be pressed to perform an optimization routine.

Example usage:

# in parametrization:
optimize_btn = OptimizationButton("Optimization", "get_optimal_result", longpoll=True)

# in controller:
def get_optimal_result(self, params, **kwargs):
    # specific optimization routine
    return OptimizationResult(results)
  • ui_name (str) – Name which is visible in the VIKTOR user interface.

  • method (str) – Name of the download method that is defined in the controller

  • longpoll (bool) – Set this option to True if the process that is invoked by the action button cannot be completed within the timeout limit.

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, DynamicArrayConstraint, RowLookup, Callable]) – Visibility of the button. A Constraint can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields.

  • always_available (bool) – Set this to True if the action button has to remain available for users that do not have permission to make any changes in the editor. This gives such users the ability to for example still download product reports.

  • flex (Optional[int]) – The width of the field can be altered via this argument. value between 0 and 100 (default=33).

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).

  • interaction (Optional[Interaction]) – Enable view interaction through this button

    New in v13.2.0



alias of OptimizationButton


class viktor.parametrization.SetParamsButton(ui_name, method, longpoll=True, *, visible=True, always_available=False, flex=None, description=None, interaction=None)

Bases: _ActionButton

Action button which can be pressed to perform an analysis and override current input fields.

Example usage:

# in parametrization:
set_params_btn = SetParamsButton("Set params", "set_param_a", longpoll=True)

# in controller:
def set_param_a(self, params, **kwargs):
    # get updated input parameters
    return SetParamsResult(updated_parameter_set)
  • ui_name (str) – Name which is visible in the VIKTOR user interface.

  • method (str) – Name of the download method that is defined in the controller

  • longpoll (bool) – Set this option to True if the process that is invoked by the action button cannot be completed within the timeout limit.

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, DynamicArrayConstraint, RowLookup, Callable]) – Visibility of the button. A Constraint can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields.

  • always_available (bool) – Set this to True if the action button has to remain available for users that do not have permission to make any changes in the editor. This gives such users the ability to for example still download product reports.

  • flex (Optional[int]) – The width of the field can be altered via this argument. value between 0 and 100 (default=33).

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).

  • interaction (Optional[Interaction]) – Enable view interaction through this button

    New in v13.2.0


class viktor.parametrization.Lookup(target)

Can be used to lookup the value of an input field. This can be used to set visibility of a field and to set a minimum and / or maximum boundary on a number field.

Example usage on visibility:

field_1 = BooleanField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=Lookup('field_1'))

Example usage on min / max:

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', min=Lookup('field_1'))

target (str) – Name of input field.


class viktor.parametrization.FunctionLookup(func, *func_args, **kwargs)

Defines a lookup constraint where the output value is any function of several input fields.

Example usages:

def multiply(a, b=10):
    return a * b

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2')

Standard usage with two field arguments:

field_3 = NumberField('Field 3', min=FunctionLookup(multiply, Lookup('field_1'), Lookup('field_2')))

Using the default value of argument b:

field_4 = NumberField('Field 4', min=FunctionLookup(multiply, Lookup('field_1')))

Using a constant instead of a field for argument a:

field_5 = NumberField('Field 5', min=FunctionLookup(multiply, 8, Lookup('field_2')))
  • func (Callable) – Python function or lambda expression. The function can have arguments with default values.

  • func_args (Any) – Arguments that are provided to the function. Arguments of type Lookup / BoolOperator are evaluated first (e.g. to refer to the value of a Field in the editor, a Lookup can be used).


class viktor.parametrization.RowLookup(target)

Can be used to lookup the value of an input field within the same row of the dynamic array. This can be used to set the visibility of a field and a minimum and / or maximum boundary on a number field.

Example usage:

array = DynamicArray('Array')
array.field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
array.field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', min=RowLookup('field_1'))

For more complex constructions, it is advised to use a callback function.


target (str) – Name of input field within the dynamic array.


class viktor.parametrization.BoolOperator

Bases: ABC


Do not use this class directly in an application.

Base class for operators that can be used for field visibility and min/max. See the documentation of the subclasses for example implementations.


class viktor.parametrization.And(*operands)

Bases: BoolOperator

Can be used to evaluate multiple operands to be True.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = BooleanField('Field 2')
field_3 = NumberField('Field 3', visible=And(IsEqual(Lookup('field_1'), 5), Lookup('field_2')))

operands (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, bool]) – Operands to be evaluated.


class viktor.parametrization.Or(*operands)

Bases: BoolOperator

Can be used to evaluate if at least one operand is True.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = BooleanField('Field 2')
field_3 = NumberField('Field 3', visible=Or(IsEqual(Lookup('field_1'), 5), Lookup('field_2')))

operands (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, bool]) – Operands to be evaluated.


class viktor.parametrization.Not(operand)

Bases: BoolOperator

Can be used to evaluate an operand to be False.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=Not(IsEqual(Lookup('field_1'), 5)))

Note, above construction is the same as:

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=IsNotEqual(Lookup('field_1'), 5))

operand (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, bool]) – Operand to be evaluated.


class viktor.parametrization.IsEqual(operand1, operand2)

Bases: BoolOperator

Can be used to evaluate two operands to be equal.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=IsEqual(Lookup('field_1'), 5))


class viktor.parametrization.IsNotEqual(operand1, operand2)

Bases: IsEqual

Can be used to evaluate two operands to be NOT equal.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=IsNotEqual(Lookup('field_1'), 5))


class viktor.parametrization.IsTrue(operand)

Bases: IsEqual

Can be used to evaluate an operand to be True.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=IsTrue(Lookup('field_1')))

operand (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, Any]) – Operand to be evaluated.


class viktor.parametrization.IsFalse(operand)

Bases: IsEqual

Can be used to evaluate an operand to be False.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=IsFalse(Lookup('field_1')))

operand (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, Any]) – Operand to be evaluated.


class viktor.parametrization.IsNotNone(operand)

Bases: IsNotEqual

Can be used to evaluate an operand to be NOT None.

field_1 = NumberField('Field 1')
field_2 = NumberField('Field 2', visible=IsNotNone(Lookup('field_1')))

operand (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, Any]) – Operand to be evaluated.


class viktor.parametrization.DynamicArrayConstraint(dynamic_array_name, operand)

This constraint facilitates usage of other constraints within a dynamic array row.


The DynamicArrayConstraint can currently only be used for the visibility of DynamicArray components.

Example usage:

_show_y = DynamicArrayConstraint('array_name', IsTrue(Lookup('$row.param_x')))

array = DynamicArray('My array')
array.param_x = BooleanField('X')
array.param_y = NumberField('Y', visible=_show_y)
  • dynamic_array_name (str) – name of the dynamic array on which the constraint should be applied.

  • operand (Union[Lookup, BoolOperator, FunctionLookup]) – The inputs of the operand have to be altered to access the correct row within the dynamic array. The input for a target field becomes ‘$row.{field_name}’.


class viktor.parametrization.DynamicArray(ui_name, min=None, max=None, copylast=None, visible=True, default=None, *, description=None, row_label=None)

Bases: _AttrGroup

Fields can be added under a dynamic array.

Currently, it is not possible to add:

Example usage:

layers = DynamicArray("layers")
layers.depth = NumberField("depth")
layers.material = OptionField("material", options=my_options)
  • ui_name (str) – This string is visible in the VIKTOR user interface.

  • min (Union[int, Lookup, FunctionLookup, Callable, None]) – Minimum number of rows in the array.

  • max (Union[int, Lookup, FunctionLookup, Callable, None]) – Maximum number of rows in the array.

  • copylast (Optional[bool]) – Copy the last row when clicking the + button. Takes precedence over field defaults.

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, Callable]) – Can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields.

  • default (Optional[List[dict]]) – Default values of complete array. Filled before user interaction.

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).

  • row_label (Optional[str]) – Label to be shown at each row. The row number is appended to the label (max. 30 characters).

The default values of the DynamicArray are filled when the editor is entered for the first time (just like the other fields). The fields underneath the dynamic array can also have default values. These are filled when the user adds a new row. If copylast is True, the last values are copied, and the Field defaults are ignored.

array = DynamicArray('Dyn Array', default=[{'a': 1, 'b': 'hello'}, {'a': 2, 'b': 'there'}])
array.a = NumberField('A', default=99)
array.b = TextField('B', default='foo')

When first entering the editor:







When adding a new row:









When using copylast:

array = DynamicArray('Dyn Array', copylast=True, default=[{'a': 1, 'b': 'hello'}])
array.a = NumberField('A', default=99)
array.b = TextField('B', default='foo')

When first entering the editor:





When adding a new row:








  • list of dictionaries: e.g. [{‘a’: 1, ‘b’: ‘1’}, {‘a’: 2, ‘b’: ‘2’}]

  • empty list if there are no ‘rows’

  • when fields are empty, the corresponding empty values are used (see documentation of specific field)


class viktor.parametrization.Field(*, ui_name, name=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, default=None, flex=None, visible=True, description=None)

Bases: ABC

  • ui_name (str) – This string is visible in the VIKTOR user interface.

  • name (Optional[str]) – The position of the parameter in the database can be specified in this argument.

  • prefix (Optional[str]) – A prefix will be put in front of the ui_name to provide info such as a dollar sign. Note that this function does not yet work for input fields.

  • suffix (Optional[str]) – A suffix will be put behind the ui_name to provide additional information such as units.

  • default (Optional[Any]) – The value or string that is specified here is filled in as a default input.

  • flex (Optional[int]) – The width of the field can be altered via this argument. value between 0 and 100 (default=33).

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, DynamicArrayConstraint, RowLookup, Callable]) – Can be used when the visibility depends on other input fields.

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).


class viktor.parametrization.DateField(ui_name, name=None, *, default=None, flex=None, visible=True, description=None)

Bases: Field

See Field for parameters.

Additional params: -


  • object

  • None, when empty


class viktor.parametrization.NumberField(ui_name, name=None, prefix=None, *, suffix=None, default=None, step=None, min=None, max=None, min_message=None, max_message=None, num_decimals=None, visible=True, flex=None, variant='standard', description=None)

Bases: Field

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:

  • step (Optional[float]) – Stepping interval when clicking up and down spinner buttons

  • min (Union[float, Lookup, FunctionLookup, RowLookup, Callable, None]) – Specifies a minimum value constraint.

  • max (Union[float, Lookup, FunctionLookup, RowLookup, Callable, None]) – Specifies a maximum value constraint.

  • num_decimals (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number of decimals.

  • variant (str) –

    Visually alter the input field. Possible options:

    • ’standard’: default

    • ’slider’: slider (ignored in Table)



  • integer or float

  • None, when empty


class viktor.parametrization.IntegerField(ui_name, name=None, prefix=None, *, suffix=None, default=None, step=None, min=None, max=None, min_message=None, max_message=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

Bases: NumberField

See NumberField for parameters

Additional parameters: -


  • integer, when filled

  • None, when empty


class viktor.parametrization.TextField(ui_name, name=None, prefix=None, *, suffix=None, default=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

Bases: Field

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters: -


  • string

  • empty string, when empty


class viktor.parametrization.OutputField(ui_name, *, value=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


value (Union[float, str, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup, Callable, None]) – Value to be presented in the interface (can be hard-coded or calculated).

Example: Point to another parameter

field_1 = NumberField()
field_2 = OutputField(ui_name, value=Lookup("field_1"))

Example: Compute output value using callback function

def get_value(params, entity_id, **kwargs):
    # app specific logic
    value = ...
    return value

field = OutputField(ui_name, value=get_value)


  • OutputFields are not present in the params


class viktor.parametrization.LineBreak

Linebreaks can be used to force input fields to be placed in the next row to obtain a cleaner looking editor.

Example usage:

field_1 = NumberField()
new_line = LineBreak()
field_2 = NumberField()


class viktor.parametrization.BooleanField(ui_name, name=None, *, default=None, visible=True, flex=None, always_available=False, description=None)

Bases: Field

See Field for parameters

Additional parameters:


always_available (bool) – Set this to True if the toggle has to remain available for users that do not have permission to make any changes in the editor. This gives such users the ability to for example still switch on / off labels in a visualization.


  • False or True



alias of BooleanField


class viktor.parametrization.OptionField(ui_name, options, name=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, default=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, description=None, variant='standard', autoselect_single_option=False)

Bases: _SelectField

Present dropdown list with options for user. If there is only one option, this option is automatically selected.

If you want to enable multiple options to be select, use a MultiSelectField.

Example usage:

field = OptionField('Available options', options=['Option 1', 'Option 2'], default='Option 1')

Or use an OptionListElement to obtain a value in the params which differs from the interface name:

_options = [OptionListElement('option_1', 'Option 1'), OptionListElement('option_2', 'Option 2')]
field = OptionField('Available options', options=_options, default='option_1')

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:

  • options (Union[List[Union[float, str, OptionListElement]], Callable]) – Options should be defined as a list of numbers, strings, or OptionListElement objects.

  • variant (str) –

    Visually alter the input field. Possible options:

    • ’standard’: default

    • ’radio’: radio buttons, vertically positioned (ignored in Table)

    • ’radio-inline’: radio buttons, horizontally positioned (ignored in Table)


  • autoselect_single_option (bool) – True to always automatically select when a single option is provided. This holds for static options as well as dynamic options (see examples below).

When autoselect_single_option=False (default), expect the following behavior:



enter the editor

⚪ A, ⚪ B, ⚪ C

options dynamically change to single option A

⚪ A

options dynamically change to multiple options

⚪ A, ⚪ B, ⚪ C

user selects option B

⚪ A, ⚫ B, ⚪ C

options dynamically change to multiple options, excluding the selected option

⚪ A, ❌ B, ⚪ C (warning in interface)

When autoselect_single_option=True, expect the following behavior:


Keep in mind that in case of dynamic options and the possibility of having a single option, the (automatically) selected option might be changed without the user being aware of this!



enter the editor

⚪ A, ⚪ B, ⚪ C

options dynamically change to single option A

⚫ A

options dynamically change to multiple options

⚫ A, ⚪ B, ⚪ C

options dynamically change to single option B (user might not be aware!)

⚫ B

options dynamically change to multiple options, excluding the selected option

⚪ A, ❌ B, ⚪ C (warning in interface)


  • type of selected option: integer, float or string

  • None when nothing is selected


class viktor.parametrization.MultiSelectField(ui_name, options, name=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, default=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, description=None)

Bases: _SelectField

Present dropdown list with options for user, in which multiple options can be selected.

If there is only one option, this option will not be automatically selected.

Example usage:

field = MultiSelectField('Available options', options=['Option 1', 'Option 2'], default=['Option 1', 'Option 2'])

Or use an OptionListElement to obtain a value in the params which differs from the interface name:

_options = [OptionListElement('option_1', 'Option 1'), OptionListElement('option_2', 'Option 2')]
field = MultiSelectField('Available options', options=_options, default=['option_1', 'option_2'])

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


options (Union[List[Union[float, str, OptionListElement]], Callable]) – Options should be defined as a list of numbers, strings, or OptionListElement objects.


  • empty list if no options are selected

  • list with values of OptionListElements: integer, float or string



alias of MultiSelectField


class viktor.parametrization.AutocompleteField(ui_name, options, name=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, default=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, description=None)

Bases: _SelectField

Similar to OptionField, except for two differences:

  • user can type to search for option

  • single option is not pre-selected

Example usage:

field = AutocompleteField('Available options', options=['Option 1', 'Option 2'], default='Option 1')

Or use an OptionListElement to obtain a value in the params which differs from the interface name:

_options = [OptionListElement('option_1', 'Option 1'), OptionListElement('option_2', 'Option 2')]
field = AutocompleteField('Available options', options=_options, default='option_1')

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


options (Union[List[Union[float, str, OptionListElement]], Callable]) – Options should be defined as a list of numbers, strings, or OptionListElement objects.


  • type of selected option: integer, float or string

  • None when nothing is selected


class viktor.parametrization.EntityOptionField(ui_name, entity_type_names, *, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

Bases: _EntitySelectField

Field to select any entity of given type(s).

Single option is not automatically pre-selected.

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


entity_type_names (List[str]) – User will only be able to select entities of type(s) within this list.


  • Entity

  • None when nothing is selected


class viktor.parametrization.ChildEntityOptionField(ui_name, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, entity_type_names=None, description=None)

Bases: _EntityOptionField

Field to select a child entity of given type(s). Single option is not automatically pre-selected.


  • Entity

  • None when nothing is selected

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


entity_type_names (Optional[List[str]]) – User will only be able to select entities of types within this list. None = all entities.


class viktor.parametrization.SiblingEntityOptionField(ui_name, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, entity_type_names=None, description=None)

Bases: _EntityOptionField

Field to select a sibling entity of given type(s). Single option is not automatically pre-selected.


  • Entity

  • None when nothing is selected

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


entity_type_names (Optional[List[str]]) – User will only be able to select entities of types within this list. None = all entities.


class viktor.parametrization.EntityMultiSelectField(ui_name, entity_type_names, *, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

Bases: _EntityMultiField

Field to select zero or more entities of given type(s).

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


entity_type_names (List[str]) – User will only be able to select entities of types within this list.


  • List[Entity]

  • Empty list when nothing is selected


class viktor.parametrization.ChildEntityMultiSelectField(ui_name, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, entity_type_names=None, description=None)

Bases: _EntityMultiSelectField

Field to select zero or more child entities of given type(s). Up to 5000 entities may be visualized in the dropdown in the interface.


  • List[Entity]

  • Empty list when nothing is selected

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


entity_type_names (Optional[List[str]]) – User will only be able to select entities of types within this list. None = all entities.


class viktor.parametrization.SiblingEntityMultiSelectField(ui_name, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, *, entity_type_names=None, description=None)

Bases: _EntityMultiSelectField

Field to select zero or more sibling entities of given type(s). Up to 5000 entities may be visualized in the dropdown in the interface.


  • List[Entity]

  • Empty list when nothing is selected

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


entity_type_names (Optional[List[str]]) – User will only be able to select entities of types within this list. None = all entities.


class viktor.parametrization.FileField(ui_name, file_types=None, *, max_size=None, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

Bases: _FileField

FileField can be used to let the user upload a file.


See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:

  • file_types (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Optional restriction on file type(s) (e.g. [‘.png’, ‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’]) (case-insensitive).

  • max_size (Optional[int]) – Optional restriction on file size in bytes (e.g. 10_000_000 = 10 MB).


class viktor.parametrization.MultiFileField(ui_name, file_types=None, *, max_size=None, name=None, visible=True, flex=None, description=None)

Bases: _FileField

MultiFileField can be used to let the user upload multiple files.


See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:

  • file_types (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Optional restriction on file type(s) (e.g. [‘.png’, ‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’]) (case-insensitive).

  • max_size (Optional[int]) – Optional restriction on file size in bytes (e.g. 10_000_000 = 10 MB).


class viktor.parametrization.Table(ui_name, name=None, *, default=None, visible=True, description=None)

Bases: Field, _AttrGroup

Example usage:

table = Table('Input table') = TextField('Planet')
table.period = NumberField('Orbital period', suffix='years')
table.eccentricity = NumberField('Orbital eccentricity', num_decimals=3)

A table can also be created with default content. Assume the columns as defined above:

_default_content = [
    {'name': 'Earth', 'period': 1, 'eccentricity': 0.017},
    {'name': 'Mars', 'period': 1.88, 'eccentricity': 0.093},
    {'name': 'Saturn', 'period': 29.42, 'eccentricity': 0.054},

table = Table('Input table', default=_default_content)

Supported fields are:

Note, specifying a default and / or constraints on a field within a table is not supported.

See Field for parameters.


  • list of dictionaries

  • empty list if there are no rows

  • when fields are empty, the corresponding empty values are used (see documentation of specific field)



alias of Table


class viktor.parametrization.GeoPointField(ui_name, *, name=None, default=None, visible=True, description=None)

Bases: _GeoField

GeoPointField can be used for the selection of a geographical location on a MapView.

See Field for parameters.



class viktor.parametrization.GeoPolylineField(ui_name, *, name=None, default=None, visible=True, description=None)

Bases: _GeoField

GeoPolylineField can be used for the selection of a geographical (poly)line on a MapView.

See Field for parameters.



class viktor.parametrization.GeoPolygonField(ui_name, *, name=None, default=None, visible=True, description=None)

Bases: _GeoField

GeoPolygonField can be used for the selection of a geographical polygon on a MapView.

See Field for parameters.



class viktor.parametrization.TextAreaField(ui_name, name=None, default=None, visible=True, flex=100, *, description=None)

Bases: Field

Multiple lines textual input. For one line use TextField.

See Field for parameters.


  • string

  • empty string, when empty



alias of TextAreaField


class viktor.parametrization.Text(value, *, visible=True, flex=100)

Bases: Field

Field that can be used to display a static text (max. 1800 characters). It is not included in the params.

Changed in v13.3.0: character limit has been increased from 500 to 1800.

See Field for parameters.

Additional parameters:


value (str) – Text to be shown


class viktor.parametrization.HiddenField(ui_name, name=None)

The purpose of a HiddenField is to store data in the parametrization, without the necessity to show this information in the editor.


Do NOT store tremendous amounts of data when it is not necessary, as this will make your application slow and perhaps unstable!

  • ui_name (str) – User-defined name of the field.

  • name (Optional[str]) – The position of the parameter in the database can be specified in this argument.


class viktor.parametrization.OptionListElement(value, label=None, visible=True)

Create an option which can be used inside an OptionField.

Example: value only with type str

>>> option = OptionListElement('apple')
>>> option.value
>>> option.label

Example: value only with type int

>>> option = OptionListElement(33)
>>> option.value
>>> option.label

Example: value and label

>>> option = OptionListElement('apple', 'Delicious apple')
>>> option.value
>>> option.label
'Delicious apple'
  • value (Union[float, str]) – The identifier which is used to store and retrieve chosen option.

  • label (Optional[str]) – The identifier which is shown to the user. If no label is specified, the value identifier is used, cast to a string.

  • visible (Union[bool, BoolOperator, Lookup, FunctionLookup]) – Determines whether option is visible. Will mostly be used with Constraint.

property label: str
Return type


property value: Union[float, str]
Return type

Union[float, str]


class viktor.parametrization.Parametrization(*, width=None)

The Parametrization class functions as the basis of the parameter set of an entity.

A simple parametrization looks as follows:

from viktor.parametrization import Parametrization, TextField, NumberField

class ExampleParametrization(Parametrization):
    input_1 = TextField('This is a text field')
    input_2 = NumberField('This is a number field')

In the VIKTOR user interface, this will be visualized as:


In some cases, the parametrization becomes quite big which requires a more structured layout. This can be achieved by making use of a Tab and Section object, which represent a tab and collapsible section in the interface respectively.

A 2-layered structure using Tab objects looks like this:

from viktor.parametrization import Parametrization, TextField, NumberField, Tab

class ExampleParametrization(Parametrization):
    tab_1 = Tab('Tab 1')
    tab_1.input_1 = TextField('This is a text field')
    tab_1.input_2 = NumberField('This is a number field')

    tab_2 = Tab('Tab 2')
    tab_2.input_1 = TextField('Text field in Tab 2')
    tab_2.input_2 = NumberField('Number field in Tab 2')

Using Section objects results in the following:

from viktor.parametrization import Parametrization, TextField, NumberField, Section

class ExampleParametrization(Parametrization):
    section_1 = Section('Section 1')
    section_1.input_1 = TextField('This is a text field')
    section_1.input_2 = NumberField('This is a number field')

    section_2 = Section('Section 2')
    section_2.input_1 = TextField('Text field in Section 2')
    section_2.input_2 = NumberField('Number field in Section 2')

A parametrization with a maximum depth of 3 layers consists of Tab, Section, and Field objects:

from viktor.parametrization import Parametrization, TextField, NumberField, Tab, Section

class ExampleParametrization(Parametrization):
    tab_1 = Tab('Tab 1')
    tab_1.section_1 = Section('Section 1')
    tab_1.section_1.input_1 = TextField('This is a text field')
    tab_1.section_1.input_2 = NumberField('This is a number field')

    tab_1.section_2 = Section('Section 2')

    tab_2 = Tab('Tab 2')

Every class attribute is treated as a tab, section, or field. If you want to use a variable inside a field, you can either define it outside of the class or as class attribute starting with an underscore:

OPTIONS = ['Option 1', 'Option 2']

class ExampleParametrization(Parametrization):

    _options = ['Option 3', 'Option 4']
    field_1 = OptionField('Choose option', options=OPTIONS)
    field_2 = OptionField('Choose option', options=_options)

width (Optional[int]) – Sets the width of the parametrization side as percentage of the complete width of the editor (input + output). The value should be an integer between 20 and 80 (default: 40).



alias of Parametrization


class viktor.parametrization.Page(title, *, views=None, description=None)

Bases: _Group

A Page can be used to group certain inputs (e.g. fields) with certain outputs (views).

For example:

class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization):
    page_1 = Page('Page 1')  # no views
    page_1.field_1 = NumberField(...)

    page_2 = Page('Page 2', views='view_data')  # single view
    page_2.field_1 = NumberField(...)

    page_3 = Page('Page 3', views=['view_map', 'view_data'])  # multiple views
    page_3.field_1 = NumberField(...)

class Controller(ViktorController):

    @DataView(...)  # visible on "Page 2" and "Page 3"
    def view_data(self, params, **kwargs):

    @MapView(...)  # only visible on "Page 3"
    def view_map(self, params, **kwargs):
  • title (str) – Title which is shown in the interface.

  • views (Union[str, Sequence[str], None]) – View method(s) that should be visible in this page, e.g. ‘my_view’ for a single view, or [‘my_data_view’, ‘my_geometry_view’, …] for multiple views (default: None).

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).


class viktor.parametrization.Step(title, *, views=None, description=None, previous_label=None, next_label=None, on_next=None)

Bases: Page

A Step can be used to group certain inputs (e.g. fields) with certain outputs (views) within a predefined order, browsable through a previous and next button.

For example:

class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization):
    step_1 = Step('Step 1')  # no views
    step_1.field_1 = NumberField(...)

    step_2 = Step('Step 2', views='view_data')  # single view
    step_2.field_1 = NumberField(...)

    step_3 = Step('Step 3', views=['view_map', 'view_data'])  # multiple views
    step_3.field_1 = NumberField(...)

class Controller(ViktorController):

    @DataView(...)  # visible on "Step 2" and "Step 3"
    def view_data(self, params, **kwargs):

    @MapView(...)  # only visible on "Step 3"
    def view_map(self, params, **kwargs):

When implementing the on_next argument, the corresponding function is called when a user clicks the ‘next’ button to move to the next step. This can be used to, for example, validate the input of the current active step (new in v13.7.0):

def validate_step_1(params, **kwargs):
    if params.step_1.field_z <= params.step_1.field_x + params.step_1.field_y:
        raise UserError(...)

class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization):
    step_1 = Step('Step 1', on_next=validate_step_1)
  • title (str) – Title which is shown in the interface.

  • views (Union[str, Sequence[str], None]) – View method(s) that should be visible in this step, e.g. ‘my_view’ for a single view, or [‘my_data_view’, ‘my_geometry_view’, …] for multiple views (default: None).

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).

  • previous_label (Optional[str]) – Text to be shown on the previous button (ignored for first step in Parametrization, max. 30 characters).

  • next_label (Optional[str]) – Text to be shown on the next button (ignored for last step in Parametrization, max. 30 characters).

  • on_next (Optional[Callable]) – Callback function which is triggered when the user moves to the next step

    New in v13.7.0


class viktor.parametrization.Tab(title, *, description=None)

Bases: _Group

  • title (str) – Title which is shown in the interface.

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).


class viktor.parametrization.Section(title, *, description=None)

Bases: _Group

  • title (str) – Title which is shown in the interface.

  • description (Optional[str]) – Show more information to the user through a tooltip on hover (max. 200 characters).